Quick Shopping Tip

If you are ever shopping at a place which has no trial room; or you don’t have the time to try a pair of jeans or skirt on; use this simple trick to know if it will fit you:

1. Button the jeans and hold them up facing you.
2. Wrap the jeans around your neck as if it were a tie.
3. If it fits around your neck without and excess fabric; it will fit around your waist too. If it doesn’t – then it won’t fit at the waist!
Try it at home on a pair of jeans you already own to check it out!

Fashion Vs Style

Fashion Vs Style

Fashion and style are two things that are constantly confused. As an image consultant- in my line of work [when I help people shop] – there is something I’ve found about the people with function wardrobes vs those with dysfunctional wardrobes.

Those that pick up only the trendiest pieces, without much thought about their style, their existing wardrobe and the image they want to portray – are the ones with the dysfunctional wardrobes.

Looking good all the time, and carrying yourself well requires that you spend a little time thinking about the kind of image you want to portray.

Know your style

Your aim should be creating a style statement should be so unique that people should associate different things, words and perceptions with your style. You can go for anything: classic, simplistic, feminine, trendy, flamboyant, or even a combination of some of these.

Keeping a mental [or physical] note of the things you like, styles, cuts, fabrics, colors, color combinations etc can really help you figure out what you want.

If you don’t know where to start, a style board on pintrest really helps you! When you take a look at your board from a distance you can see a lot of similarities – so you’ll know what to look for when you shop!

Once your style file is up and running, you’l automatically know what you like and get clarity on what to look for when you shop.

More tips on how to organize your wardrobe, build and maintain your image soon. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me, I will get around to them.

Here’s to a great day! Dress to kill and see the difference!